



I just started looking at the new FIRST Robotics Java SDK, which includes project generators to build sample robotics programs.

Something I was curious about is the file it generates begins with:

package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.templates;

Does this actually make sense? (The library I'm using is from, but my project doesn't really have any affiliation with them otherwise.) I'd think that I should want to instead use my own reverse domain for the package specifier.



I would think that it would generate something in a customer supplied package name? Ie: ask the user the package they would like to use.

Does it generate things in more then one package?

(See comment on Jay's answer.)
Ben Alpert

the idea is that the package names will be globally unique


It probably does this so it can access "package local" classes.

fuzzy lollipop
+5  A: 

I would say your intuition is correct. I would personally refactor it to be your own package. Is this just a tutorial project it generated, or is it your project that you are going to be working on. If this is not a tutorial project, I would be surprised if there is no way to override the package name when it is created.

Jay Askren
It does in fact give a choice for the package name, but that was the default setting and I'm trying to figure out whether to change it.
Ben Alpert