



I'm trying to play a remote AAC file in ActionScript 3 in Flash CS3 and am currently using this code:

var url:String = "";
var connect_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var stream_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(connect_nc);;

(This is based on:

No errors are thrown, but no sound is played. I get the same behavior with a local AAC file and with a local MP4 video.

If I use a URL or file path that isn't a streamable file, I get a NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound error, which I'm guessing means that the stream is found in the case of a valid URL. If I use a local FLV, its audio is played just fine.

If I add the following listener and trace( in netStatusHandler, I only see any codes (e.g. NetStream.Play.Start) traced with the FLV. No codes are traced with the AAC or MP4. stream_ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

The same is true of adding this listener (i.e. the onMetaData argument is only traced with the FLV, not with the other file types), with metaDataListener defined as an object with an onMetaData method that traces its argument.
stream_ns.client = metaDataListener;

Any ideas of what might be going wrong here, or how to diagnose it?




As stated here what you are doing is correct.

var connect_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var stream_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(connect_nc);"RE-Sample.m4a");

However, the Actionscript Language reference about nestream found here:

states that:

play () method



When you use this method without Flash Media Server, there are security considerations. A file in the local-trusted or local-with-networking sandbox can load and play a video file from the remote sandbox, but cannot access the remote file's data without explicit permission in the form of a cross-domain policy file. Also, you can prevent a SWF file running in Flash Player from using this method by setting the allowNetworking parameter of the the object and embed tags in the HTML page that contains the SWF content.

... ...

Parameters ... arguments — The location of the video file to play, as a URLRequest object or a string. In Flash Player and in AIR content outside of the application security sandbox, you can play local video files that are stored in the same directory as the SWF file or in a subdirectory; however, you can't navigate to a higher-level directory.

So it's probably a security sandbox issue.
