



I'm attempting to use savepoints with the sqlite3 module built into python 2.6. Every time I try to release or rollback a savepoint, I always recieve an OperationalError: no such savepoint. What am I missing?

python version: 2.6.4 (r264:75821M, Oct 27 2009, 19:48:32) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)]
PySQLite version: 2.4.1
sqlite3 version: 3.6.11

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 21, in <module>
    conn.execute("release savepoint spTest;")
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such savepoint: spTest

from this code:

import sys
import sqlite3

print 'python version:', sys.version
print 'PySQLite version:', sqlite3.version
print 'sqlite3 version:', sqlite3.sqlite_version

conn = sqlite3.connect('db_spDemo.db')
conn.isolation_level = "DEFERRED"

with conn:
    conn.execute("create table example (A, B);")

with conn:
    conn.execute("insert into example values (?, ?);", (0,200))

    conn.execute("savepoint spTest;")
    conn.execute("insert into example values (?, ?);", (1,201))
    conn.execute("insert into example values (?, ?);", (2,202))
    conn.execute("release savepoint spTest;")

    conn.execute("insert into example values (?, ?);", (5,205))
+2  A: 
Roger Pate
I never considered trying it without any outer transaction level, as the SQL docs indicated that the savepoints can be used in conjunction with the transactions. This hints to me that maybe I need a certain pragma to make it all work together! Thanks for giving me a good direction for more investigation..
Shane Holloway