



when i click on Run it displays and error message:

Starting GlassFish v3 Domain
GlassFish v3 Domain start failed.
/Volumes/Private/noname/Sites/projects/java/MyFirstServlet/nbproject/build-impl.xml:602: Deployment error:
GlassFish v3 Domain start failed.
See the server log for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 2 minutes 0 seconds)

but then i fire up Terminal in mac and use asadmin start-domain and it starts.

and in netbeans i then Run the project and it fires up Safari and displays the content.

but why cant glassfish start in netbeans? any idea?


Only thing that comes to my mind is to check if the JAVA_HOME is properly set. Guess GFv3 requires it to be set to the bin folder in the JDK installation. Just guessing...

+1  A: 

Hey dudes. I've met the same problem as I was learning java web programming, but in windows env. I've spent much time guessing what that error could mean because the log file wasn't clearly saying that. Finally I found out that glassfish v3 was trying to run on 8080 port, which was already occupied by reportingservicesservice.exe which is sql server service. I didn't get to know how to switch the port used by glassfish, but I found that in netbeans 6.8 (which I use) in tools->servers I can add a new glassfish server instance which runs on a different, free port - that solved the problem :)
