



I am having problems with XPathNavigator. I have a document with a bunch of "topic" elements w/o namespace in a stream.

I am using (expression dumbed down to bare minimum, first I thought my expressions were wrong):

XPathDocument xmlDoc = new XPathDocument( stream );
XPathNavigator xml = xmlDoc.CreateNavigator();
XPathNodeIterator iter = xml.Select( "//topic" );

This doesn't work. I can select */*/* or something similar and get my "topic" elements alright. I tried running my expressions in online tester and other languages and they work.

Question: what's wrong? I have lingering suspicion that it has to do with accursed NamespaceManager object, which causes me incredible pain every time I parse document with namespaces, but this time the elements I am seeking don't have an explicit namespace! I added:

XmlNamespaceManager s = new XmlNamespaceManager( xml.NameTable ); 

and pass that as 2nd argument to Select - to no avail. How am I supposed to add "" namespace to this thing/use it correctly?

Or, better yet, is there way to use XPath in .NET without using this horrible abomination of the class, like in other languages? If I want namespaces, I can write them in the expression...

Update: I figured out a workaround- copy/paste default xmlns from root node, and then use that namespace:

thisIsRetarded.AddNamespace( "x", "urn:xmind:xmap:xmlns:content:2.0" );
XPathNodeIterator projectIter = projectTree.Select( "//x:topic", thisIsRetarded );

however, neither I am supposed to know the default URI, nor do I like to pollute my expressions with unnecessary x:-s. So I only need answer to 2nd part of the question now.

+2  A: 

I prefer to use XmlDocument:

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("sample", "...");

XmlNode topic = doc.SelectSingleNode("/sample:topic", nsmgr);

// If you don't have any namespaces....
XmlNode topic2 = doc.SelectSingleNode("/topic"); 
Rubens Farias
The important part is - if you have namespaces, then you need to reference them in your XPATH expressions!
John Saunders
+1 I hate the XPathNavigator object, namespaces aside
Isaac Cambron

ugh, yes. I agree with designated it "retarded". This is plain stupid, blah...
