




The problem is simple, finding the answer is not (for me at least).

I'm trying to make a WCF service that queries MapPoints FindAddressResults() and returns the answer which I then fetch with Ajax and Javascript.

The problem however is that now I'm getting a FindResults result from FindAddressResults() and I don't know how to expose that as a contract. So I made a wrapper result class.

How can I expose FindResults as a service contract when I don't have access to the source?

[ Edit ]

FindResults is defined as this:

namespace MapPoint
    public interface FindResults : IEnumerable
        Application Application {get; }
        int Count {get; }
        Map Parent {get; }
        GeoFindResultsQuality ResultsQuality {get; }

        object this[ref object Index] {get; }

        IEnumerator GetEnumerator();

Can you just extend the class you want and add the contract attribute?

public MyFindResults : FindResults
  public new string String1
      return base.String1;
Chris Arnold
But don't I need to add [DataMember] to all the members?
Override / 'new' all of those as well (I've edited my answer to illustrate).
Chris Arnold