



I am asking this question on SO because a similar question was asked here and migrated to SuperUser, but the answers it got there were more about screen sharing than hosting screencasts. I'm hoping that some of you have faced (and solved) this issue before...

My team is putting together a bunch of technical screencasts, and we are currently hosting them ourselves. We would much prefer to host them externally, to take advantage of a bigger pipe, geographically distributed data centers, and better uptime.

The screencasts are typically less than 10 minutes.

Is there a programmer-centric screencast hosting solution? Would you recommend YouTube? Vimeo? Something else?

+1  A: 

Personally, I prefer to see videos on something like Vimeo rather than YouTube or a similar site. Vimeo has a certain air of professionalism about it while still be convenient and user-friendly. Also, you can put embedded videos on your support pages if you wish or simply link to the videos in FAQs or forums. It makes it very convenient. Again though, this is just MHO.

Topher Fangio
As a side-note, apparently Vimeo not only discourages the use of their service for commercial product screencasts, but will delete your videos if they find out. Vimeo loses.
Topher Fangio
+1  A: 

While Vimeo is more of a professional site, YouTube offers HTML5 / H.264 video playback support for all videos, so they'll play on iPhone. Vimeo currently doesn't support that on user videos, and is planning on adding it as a pro feature in the future.

Jon Galloway
Thanks... one factor to consider is that YouTube has a 10 minute time limit on videos, and we already have one that's just over that (notice I said "typically less than 10 minutes" in my question). I guess we could be a bit less long-winded, though. :)
Noah Heldman