



I have created a google-app-engine java project in Eclipse using Google's Eclipse plugin. My previous attempt to deploy failed. Now, when I retry, I get the following message:

Unable to update app: Error posting to URL : 409 conflict Another transaction for this user is already in progress for this app and major version. That user can undo the transaction with's "rollback" command.

Now, I have always used the google-app-engine features from inside Eclipse only and have not a clue how to run the command.

Could not get much help from documentation available over the internet. The only thing I could make out was for mac (I'm on mac), the command to be used is Inside Eclipse, I looked where App-Engine SDK is located on my machine and went to that location. Even found there. But when I try to run it, it only reports the error "command not found". Tried various alternatives to run it (like tried running it with sudo, tried running it as ./ by going to whether its located) but no success

Can someone please tell me the step I will have to follow to run the apcfg command?

+2  A: 

Better perspective gained about the problem.

Documenting the problem here for the benefit of on-lookers:

I was using Google's Plugin for Eclipse for a Google App Engine project. An attempt to deploy the application on app-engine server failed because of network problems. Subsequent attempts were failing because the previous attempt had created some kind of lock and that transaction had to be rolled back. The plugin does not provide any way to do this. One has to use appcfg program over command line to rollback. has details. The problem I was facing was occuring becuase of OS level permissions on Ga ve permission to self using chmod and could get it working.

+2  A: 
+2  A: 

I dont think these answers were that helpful.

  1. using the commmand line cd into you application directory. for me this is

    cd /Sites/appengine_myapp

  2. Now you have done this. --no_cookies [email protected] --passin rollback ./

  3. You should be prompted for your password.

John Ballinger
+1  A: 

thank you john that worked nicely for me. The documentation is total BS!!!! theres no way you can figure it out from google's documentation!

Trevor Jordet

As the result of an Internal Server Error during app deployment, I am now left with a pending transaction, that I need to rollback before I can deploy again.

Creating staging directory Scanning for jsp files. Scanning files on local disk. Initiating update. Error posting to URL: 409 Conflict Another transaction by user is already in progress for this app and major version. That user can undo the transaction with's "rollback" command.

this was how I did it (all from the command line) which is a slightly simpler method, which achieved the same effect.....

C:\Documents and Settings\Amit\My Documents\newproject>"C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\\appengine-java-sdk-1.2.5\bin\appcfg" rollback war

Reading application configuration data...

2009-09-17 20:47:35.859::INFO: Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog Beginning server interaction for idebanet... 0% Rolling back the update. Success. Cleaning up temporary files...

C:\Documents and Settings\Amit\My Documents\newproject>

