My company is in the process of moving a database from SQL 2000 to SQL 2008. I am in the process of testing some of our legacy applications and came across a VB6 app that is running into a bug. The code is attempting to run a simple update for a record and check that the Execute method has affected more then one row using the RecordsAffected parameter.
The VB6 code
cmd.ActiveConnection = gcnADODE
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmd.CommandText = "Wendy_OffshoreQC_UpdateQCRecord"
Set QCID = cmd.CreateParameter("@QCId", adInteger, adParamInput)
QCID.value = 1
cmd.Parameters.Append QCID
Set QCBatchFailurePercentage = cmd.CreateParameter("@QCBatchFailurePercentage", adDecimal, adParamInput)
QCBatchFailurePercentage.Precision = 18
QCBatchFailurePercentage.NumericScale = 2
QCBatchFailurePercentage.value = 1.11
cmd.Parameters.Append QCBatchFailurePercentage
Set QCBatchCompleteDate = cmd.CreateParameter("@QCBatchCompleteDate", adDate, adParamInput)
QCBatchCompleteDate.value = Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")
cmd.Parameters.Append QCBatchCompleteDate
cmd.Execute numRecordsUpdate
success = numRecordsUpdate > 0
The stored procedure create code
ALTER proc [dbo].[Wendy_OffshoreQC_UpdateQCRecord]
@QCId int
,@QCBatchFailurePercentage decimal (18,2)
,@QCBatchCompleteDate smalldatetime
I'm not sure which the ADO connection ends up using. The outside provider is the SQL Server OLE DB provider, but in the extended properties the drive says the SQL Server. I'm going to try fixing some of the code to be consistent with the driver that is used.
Properties="driver={SQL Server};uid=username;database=db;
server=server";Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;
Workstation ID=PICASWS186;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when
However numRecordsUpdate
always returns -1 instead of 1 like it did on SQL 2000. I know I can change the stored procedure to return @@rowcount
or just remove the check for success, but there are other parts of the code with this pattern that are having a similar issue.