



I have a personal learning project that I shelved for awhile but recently decided to get back into. After hearing so much about Git, I decided to give it a try. Thus far I've been able to initialize an empty Git repository but then it prompts me for a password of which I've misplaced. My first question, where is the password being prompted from? My assumption was SVN, so I've tried looking for a way to view or reset it but I haven't come across anything that seems to make sense in this scenario. Below is where I keep getting caught...

$ git svn fetch
[email protected]'s password:
Permission denied, please try again
Connection closed by (occurs on third attempt)
Network connection closed unexpectedly: Connection closed unexpectedly at /usr/local/git/libexec/git-core/git-svn line 1477

SVN Version: 1.4.4 (r25188) Mac Version: 10.5.8

Currently, I'm the only one working on this project, so I'm open to suggestions drastic or otherwise, that would make collaborating in the future easier.

many thanks! Shawn


Presumably you've set up a password in your Subversion server. Depending on how exactly you've set up authentication for your Subversion repository, you may may need to look in the conf/authz and/or conf/passwd files in your Subversion repository. If you're using simple password authentication, your password will be in plaintext in the conf/passwd file. Otherwise, see the Subversion documentation to find out what you did.

Greg Hewgill
There doesn't appear to be anything listed in conf/auth or /passwd. I'll take a look through the documentation, I must be overlooking something.
Thanks Greg - there were a couple issues on the server and my machine that needed to be sorted out.