



I am having problems using pagination in Django. Take the URL below as an example:

On this page I sort a list of users by their first_name. Without a sort GET variable it defaults to sort by id.

Now if I click the next link I expect the following URL:

Instead I lose all get variables and end up with

This is a problem because the second page is sorted by id instead of first_name.

If I use request.get_full_path I will eventually end up with an ugly URL:

What is the solution? Is there a way to access the GET variables on the template and replace the value for the page?

I am using pagination as described in Django's documentation and my preference is to keep using it. The template code I am using is similar to this:

{% if contacts.has_next %}
    <a href="?page={{ contacts.next_page_number }}">next</a>
{% endif %}
+4  A: 

In your you will somehow access the criteria on which you sort, e.g. first_name. You'll need to pass that value to the template and insert it there to remember it.


{% if contacts.has_next %}
    <a href="?sort={{ criteria }}&page={{ contacts.next_page_number }}">next</a>
{% endif %}
+1  A: 

After some playing around I found a solution... although I don't know if it's really a good one. I'd prefer a more elegant solution.

Anyway I pass the request to the template and am able to access all the GET variables via request.GET. Then I loop through the GET dictionary and as long as the variable isn't page I print it.

{% if contacts.has_previous %}
    <a href="?page={{ contacts.previous_page_number }}{% for key,value in request.GET.items %}{% ifnotequal key 'page' %}&{{ key }}={{ value }}{% endifnotequal %}{% endfor %}">previous</a>
{% endif %}

<span class="current">
    Page {{ contacts.number }} of {{ contacts.paginator.num_pages }}.

{# I have all of this in one line in my code (like in the previous section), but I'm putting spaces here for readability.  #}
{% if contacts.has_next %}
    <a href="?page={{ contacts.next_page_number }}
        {% for key,value in request.GET.items %}
            {% ifnotequal key 'page' %}
                &{{ key }}={{ value }}
            {% endifnotequal %}
        {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
This approach works, but has a few flaws:1. It violates DRY principle - you're repeating your code, which means that if you want to change something in it, you have to change it in all places you copied it to. 2. It slightely violates Model-View-Controller (or Model-Template-View, as Django creator call it) design pattern - Templates should be used to just render data. 3. It causes rendundant/meaningless GET parameters to be passed around all the time - thit isn't probably a big problem, but in my opinion it's more elegant to filter out such parameters.
Tomasz Zielinski
Supplement to previous comment: If you insist on handling this in template, then I think you should write custom template tag that would take `request` as a parameter, and then print your parameter string back to template.
Tomasz Zielinski
Also, this doesn't seem to work with select boxes where you can select multiple options.

Every such link you put in your view has to be equipped with relevant parameters. There is no implicit magic that would convert:


So what you need is some Sorter object/class/function/snippet (whatever might fit here without overdoing it), that would act similarly to django.core.paginator.Paginator, but would handle sort GET parameter.

It could be as simple as this:

sort_order = request.GET.get('sort', 'default-criteria')

<paginate, sort>

return render_to_response('view.html', {
    'paginated_contacts': paginated_contacts,  # Paginator stuff
    'sort_order': sort_order if sort_oder != 'default-criteria' else ''

Then, in your view:

{% if contacts.has_next %}
    <a href="?page={{ contacts.next_page_number }}{%if sort_order%}&sort={{sort_oder}}{%endif%}">next</a>
{% endif %}

I could be made more generic, but I hope you get the concept.

Tomasz Zielinski

There is a template tag available at Django snippets for this purpose: Hope it helps ...

Kapil Bharati