



Hi All,

I need to create a thread pool to ping a range of ip addresses simultaneously using java language.

Please help me out.

Edited 1

If there are lots of thread created, then whether we have to call stop() method explicitly to stop the thread? or will it be taken care?

+1  A: 

Here's an implementation of the pingig subtask. Creating a thread pool and threads with the referenced payload shouldn't be too complicated.


If you can modify the client code on these devices, I suggest a custom protocol instead of using the echo port - something like a heartbeat where you frequently send a small message to the client (on the standard or a different port) and expect an answer within a defined time.

Edit 2

For the thread basics, I really suggest looking at a Java tutorial. To start with: implement a class like public class PingThread extends Thread and place the code from the link inside a while(true) {...} loop in the run method. Use Thread.sleep() to add a wait time between to pings in the the same loop. If you really need a ThreadGroup, override the constructor Thread(ThredGroup group, String name) so that a PingThread can be created in your specified group.

You may want to implement a switch to stop a PingThread (should be covered by almost every Java tutorial),

It doesn't talk about thread concept. Only the reachable test and ping is taken care.

Java has no implementation of ICMP by default, so it's not possible to ping a host from Java with the standard library. Your other options are to look for a Java ICMP implementation (I don't know if one exists), or to call the 'ping' executable on your system from Java and parse the output.

Edit: Andreas_D's link indicates that InetAddress.isReachable() uses an ICMP echo request to ping a host, so that's how you can implement the ping.

You can take the code for the ReachableTest from that page and change the ReachableTest class into a Runnable which you can then run in its own thread or by using the executor service from java.util.concurrent:

public class ReachableTest implements Runnable {
  private String host;

  public ReachableTest(String host) { = host;

  public void run() {
    try {
      InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(host);
      System.out.println("Name: " + address.getHostName());
      System.out.println("Addr: " + address.getHostAddress());
      System.out.println("Reach: " + address.isReachable(3000));
    catch (UnknownHostException e) {
      System.err.println("Unable to lookup " + host);
    catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Unable to reach " + host);

Hi, why the isReachable() methode is not reconized in my code ??
