I need to design a thread-safe logger. My logger must have a Log() method that simply queues a text to be logged. Also a logger must be lock-free - so that other thread can log messages without locking the logger. I need to design a worker thread that must wait for some synchronization event and then log all messages from the queue using standard .NET logging (that is not thread-safe). So what i am interested in is synchronization of worker thread - and Log function. Below is a sketch of the class that i designed. I think I must use Monitor.Wait/Pulse here or any other means to suspend and resume worker thread. I don;t want to spend CPU cycles when there is no job for logger.
Let me put it another way - I want to design a logger that will not block a caller threads that use it. I have a high performance system - and that is a requirement.
class MyLogger
// This is a lockfree queue - threads can directly enqueue and dequeue
private LockFreeQueue<String> _logQueue;
// worker thread
Thread _workerThread;
bool _IsRunning = true;
// this function is used by other threads to queue log messages
public void Log(String text)
// this is worker thread function
private void ThreadRoutine()
// do something here