



Hello, I'm writing a ticket-shop-system atm for reserving tickets for various concerts. What I have is a php-backend and a webpage that shows a .swf with some actionsscript-3 code in it, to draw in flash some sort of map and make available seats clickable for the end-user. The problem with this solution is, that there are quite large halls and just making the seats smaller isn't the right solution.

My next idea was to make a google-maps-like interface, so that users can pan and zoom and things like that. But I can't find any information about doing something like this, whether it'll be flash or javascript or something else...

I would appreciate any information regarding this topic!

Thanks in advance!

+2  A: 

Google maps allows you to use their system and provide your own custom map too, so you can overlay your seating chart and nothing else. You can read the documentation here.

haven't seen that before :( , thx
+1  A: 

There's a sample pan-zoom flex application you might find helpful:

Source Code for Pan-Zoom Flex Map.

Hope that's helpful.

thx, marked as second solution but I'll try to implement the "google maps with overlay" method first, first of all because of the non-present loading time... :)

Take a look at Seadragon ( Might be an interesting way to expose the functionality.

Can't see how to make buttons or something like that...So it's not usable for me in my situation :(