




I have an application embedded within an Active-X component. Basically the ActiveX control (ActiveView) is a read-only version of a 3rd party application. The web page code below loads the ActiveX control and passes the first display (.pdi) file. From there, the user interacts with the current display file, loading different files as they use the system.

Trouble is, it can take a long time to load the files: the customer is viewing them through Citrix over a 3G network!

When switching from one display file to another, I can get the display to show a 'loading' message but I can't do this while the first one is loaded. Can I put something into the HTML below to get it to show a meaningful message while the ActiveX control does its stuff?

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function getdisplaypdi() 
        var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
        var parms = query.split('&');
        for (var i=0; i<parms.length; i++) 
            var pos = parms[i].indexOf('=');
            if (pos > 0 && parms[i].substring(0,pos) == 'd')
                return (parms[i].substring(pos+1)+'.pdi');;
                //return "hello there";;
        return "DashboardSelector.pdi";
function geturl()
    var url;
    var host;
    var protocol;
    url = window.location.href;
    protocol = url.split("//");
    host = protocol[1].split("/");
    return (protocol[0] + "//" + host[0] + "/") 
    <script language="vbscript">
        Sub window_onLoad()
        //addr = "http://localhost/" & (getdisplaypdi())
        addr = (geturl() & getdisplaypdi())
        Pbd1.DisplayURL = addr
        end sub

    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <TITLE>Customer Dashboard</title>

<BODY bgcolor="#9CCAE0">
    <OBJECT ID       = "Pbd1"
            WIDTH    = "100%"
            HEIGHT   = "1800"
            CLASSID  = "CLSID:4F26B906-2854-11D1-9597-00A0C931BFC8"
            CODEBASE = "http://localhost/acviewinf.cab#Version=2,3,5,5"&gt;