I want to launch a java subprocess, with the same java classpath and dynamically loaded classes as the current java process. The following is not enough, because it doesn't include any dynamically loaded classes:
String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
Currently I'm searching for each needed class with the code below. However, on some machines this fails for some classes/libs, the source variable is null. Is there a more reliable and simpler way to get the location of libs that are used by the current jvm process?
String stax = ClassFinder.classPath("javax.xml.stream.Location");
public static String classPath(String qualifiedClassName) throws NotFoundException {
try {
Class qc = Class.forName( qualifiedClassName );
CodeSource source = qc.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
if ( source != null ) {
URL location = source.getLocation();
String f = location.getPath();
f = URLDecoder.decode(f, "UTF-8"); // decode URL to avoid spaces being replaced by %20
return f.substring(1);
} else {
throw new ClassFinder().new NotFoundException(qualifiedClassName+" (unknown source, likely rt.jar)");
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new ClassFinder().new NotFoundException(qualifiedClassName);