



How can I use struct.unpack() or some other function available in Python to easily convert one byte variable to a Python integer? Right now, it is done in a rather lame way:

file = open("telemetry.dat", "rb").read()
magic = file[0]
int(binascii.hexlify(magic), 16)

Is there another?

+3  A: 

how about ord(my_byte) ?

Or if the variable content is like my_byte == "0xff" or ff you can simply do int(my_byte, 16)

If you have a streamof hex digits, you can do:

int_bytes = (int(my_bytes[i:i+2], 16) for i in xrange(0, len(my_bytes), 2) ) 
It requires a one-character string. How can I apply it to, say, 0xff?
David Parunakian
Ah, David - -better provide this example on the question itself
`0xff` is already a number.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
No, it's binary data read from a file. I'll update and improve my question now.
David Parunakian
`int()` can handle a '0x' prefix on its own; no need to involve slicing.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
my_byte isn't a string containing "0xff". It is a byte containing this exact value, like a C char. It can as well be an unprintable character.
David Parunakian
@David: Have you *tried* `ord()` yet?
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
David: so, my first answer is the correct one. The fact that the byte is printede as "\xff" does not mean it's content spams for four bytes - it is just python way of representing the value 0xff within a string. You want the numerical value for the a byte inside a lenght-1 string: the python built-in that gives you this value is "ord" as stated.
[Cross-posting the comment from the reply abvove] I think that ord() will also work fine; however, when I need to parse a sequence of one-byte variables unpack() is slightly more convenient, since it can be used like a, b, c = unpack("3B", file[0:3]).
David Parunakian

Are you asking about struct.unpack( 'b', someByte )?

A "byte" is a 1-character string.

The value 0xff is an integer, and already unpacked.

If you're finding the 4-character value 0xff in an input file, you're best served by eval() since your input file contains Python code, 0xff.

`eval()`? Seriously? Not `int(s, 16)`?
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Yes, struct.unpack('b', someByte) (or, rather, "B") appears to be what I've been looking for. Must have overlooked it in the documentation. Thanks!
David Parunakian
@David: are you REALLY sure ord(file[0]) would give different result?
Antony Hatchkins
Depends on `unpack('b',` vs. `unpack('B',`.
@Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams: Yes. Seriously. I don't really think any sociopaths are going sneak evil code into the input file and replace `0xff` with `import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('format C:')`. I'm really, really sure nothing bad will happen from using `eval()` like this.
Interesting that you can be "really, really sure nothing bad will happen" when you're answering a question, from a "random" developer, with limited context into the problem domain. What if this code ends up publicly released and used/misused in other contexts? Or ends up getting migrated to a web service, etc, etc.
Travis Bradshaw
The sociopath -- the one who is so evil that they would attempt to doctor those four bytes of a file -- has the entire Python source code for the application completely available to them. Why mess around with 4 silly bytes of some file, which the sociopath can create real havoc by simply fixing the code to raise havoc.
Another assumption that's not necessarily true. Python as a web service, for example, does not provide for the "there are so many easier ways to do malicious things, being careless here won't matter" construct. Also, there's no requirement for a sociopath, bad things can also happen on accident. Why use a questionable practice that may lead to a problem when there are other practices that cannot?
Travis Bradshaw
@Travis Bradshow: Of all the possible permutations of 4 characters, none include anything remotely dangerous; no python statement (except) `def` is short enough. The odds of an "accident" are zero; unless you allow for a sociopath to maliciously edit the file. No, there are *real* security concerns like compromised passwords, bad handling of user authentication credentials and Windows that are far more important than `eval`.
@Antony: I think that ord() will also work fine; however, when I need to parse a sequence of one-byte variables unpack() is slightly more convenient, since it can be used like a, b, c = unpack("3B", file[0:3]).
David Parunakian
@S.Lott: I think I'll avoid using eval(). Although these data files we need to parse are automatically generated, they're still supplied to us by a third party.
David Parunakian