I'm trying to write a perl client program to connect to a Java server application (JDuplicate). I see that the java server uses The DataInput.readUTF and DataInput.writeUTF methods, which the JDuplicate website lists as "Java's modified UTF-8 protocol".
My test program is pretty simple, i'm trying to send client type data, which should invoke a response from the sever, however it just times out:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Encode; use IO::Socket; my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp', PeerAddr => 'localhost', PeerPort => '10421' ) or die "Cannot connect to server\n"; $|++; $remote->send(encode_utf8("CLIENTTYPE|JDSC#0.5.9#0.2")); while (<$remote>) { print $_,"\n"; } close($remote); exit(0);
I've tried $remote->send(pack("U","..."));, I've tried "use utf8;", I've tried binmode($remote, ":utf8"), and I've tried sending just plain ASCII text, nothing ever gets responded to.
I can see the data being sent with tcpdump, all in one packet, but the server itself does nothing with it (other then ack the packet).
Is there something additional i need to do to satisfy the "modified" utf implementation of Java?