




I have a project which includes some xsd schema definitions. These are compiled into a jar at the start of the build (using ant and xmlbeans) and when compiling the Java src, that jar is placed on the classpath. I have other code which references the classes in that jar, and when viewed in Eclipse, any references it will display as errors.

After the initial build, I can add the newly built jar as a referenced jar, however, Eclipse fails to correctly realize that everything it's complaining about it is fine unless I go into the files, delete the import statements and re-enter them. Even then, the error badges are not removed from the Project and they still show as errors in the Problems tab. This infuriates me to no end.

So far, the only way I have found around it is to build the project before importing it into Eclipse and ensuring that jar is on the build path, but it feels like there should be a better way.