How can I create a copy of a string field in case insensitive form? I want to use the typical "string" type and a case insensitive type. The types are defined like so:
<fieldType name="string" class="solr.StrField"
sortMissingLast="true" omitNorms="true" />
<!-- A Case insensitive version of string type -->
<fieldType name="string_ci" class="solr.StrField"
sortMissingLast="true" omitNorms="true">
<analyzer type="index">
<tokenizer class="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />
<analyzer type="query">
<tokenizer class="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />
And an example of the field like so:
<field name="destANYStr" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
multiValued="true" />
<!-- CR-1434 - Case insensitive version -->
<field name="destANYStrCI" type="string_ci" indexed="true" stored="false"
multiValued="true" />
I tried using CopyField like so:
<copyField source="destANYStr" dest="destANYStrCI" />
But, apparently CopyField is called on source and dest before any analyzers are invoked, so even though I've specified that dest is case-insensitive through anaylyzers the case of the values copied from source field are preserved.
I'm hoping to avoid re-transmitting the value in the field from the client, at record creation time.