



I want to know how to get the best of Solr. Which books, tutorials, reference sites should I read to learn about it?


+2  A: 
Ryan Cox
+1  A: 

Lucene in Action might also be helpful.
+3  A: 


ps: google it. i wasn't allowed to post more than one link on this post.

David Lojudice Sobrinho
I've read Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server and it's really helpful. I'd recommend reading it before you start a solr project.
+4  A: 

Hi, I am one of the authors of Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search, and the book is now available in print and PDF! I hope you find it as enjoyable to read as I did to write.

Eric Pugh
I definitely enjoyed it. (I did however notice a couple of things missing, like how to deal with updating multi-value fields, what to expect from multi-value fields (ordering preserved?), and a couple of other things.)
Wilfred Springer
Thanks for the feedback. I'd love to hear what you felt was missing as I am sure we'll do a second version to cover Solr 1.5 features, and to update any missing content. Feel free to drop me at note at [email protected]
Eric Pugh