I recommend checking out the book referenced by jko:
a book from The Pragmatic Bookshelf called Stripes: ...and Java web development is fun again
Whilst still in 'beta' the book covers everything very well.
Another good place to start is this ONJava article.
I have used Stripes on a few projects now and have liked it a lot.
It may sound crazy but the Stripes quickstart and sample application documentation on the website does a pretty good job of covering the bases.
This is helped by the fact there is little to Stripes, probably because it is relatively new and not trying to be all things to all people. I would say give the quick-start a try and if by the end of it you are unsatisfied look elsewhere. At the end of the day you and your company have to be happy (and productive) with what you are using irrespective of how many people are using it.