As a suggestion: if you are a beginning asp-developer, don't forget to put
<% Option Explicit %>
at the beginning of every page.
This might save you countless hours of searching/debugging why certain code doesn't work.
Sorry, if I'm stating the obvious.
UPDATE: if you would consider just plain response.write's to the web page:
I have written an include file with a whole bunch of classic asp debug routines, which will all use response.write to output strings to the web page (formatted in a specific recognizable foreground and background colour), but which will all test a global variable 'ASPLIB_DeployStatus' (which can be set to 'adsDeployed', 'adsDeliveredDebug', 'adsInDevelopment' or 'adsInDevelopmentDebug'.
Depending on the value of this global value the debug texts will or will not be written to the web page. Meaning you can leave your debug statements in your source code, but make them disappear from the web page just be setting the global variable to another value.
This has helped me a lot and saves me considerable time.
If anyone should be interested respond via comments to this answer.