Hi all,
I have a c++ app, which I launch from a php script (see below). The app compiles, and runs fine when I interact with it on the cli on boths Windows and OSX (separate executables for each). When I launch the script on OSX the app and script both run fine, but when I run it under windows the app process refuses to die but sits idling using 0% CPU.
I have built an OSX version of my app, with a while(wait) { wait = false; wait = true; } loop at the end, and when I use this version, my script successfully kills off the process, but on Windows, the script refuses to die, and thus the request is not send back to the client.
When I step through with XDebug on Windows, I am able to parse $clusterManagerResult, so I know the app is executing properly, but I just can't kill the damned thing.
I know I can't use posix_kill( $pid, 9) and as such, and I've moved from exec() up to the proc_*() suite.
Anyone know a way to undeniably kill a spawned process under windows in php?
$commandString = "myapp -doStuff -withParams...";
// Define descriptor
// The internet is like a series of tubes.
$descriptor = array(
0 => array("pipe", "r"),
1 => array("pipe", "w")
$clusterManagerProcess = proc_open($commandString, $descriptor, $tubes);
* The $tubes now look like this:
* 0 => writeable handle connected to child stdin
* 1 => readable handle connected to child stdout
$buffer = fread($tubes[1], 1024);
$clusterManagerResult = json_decode($buffer, true);
$status = proc_get_status($clusterManagerProcess);
echo proc_close($clusterManagerProcess);