I'm looking for a good book on Ruby which has interesting problems with each chapter that help grasp the fundamental concepts in a good way - something similar to Thinking in Java or Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov.
Any suggestions?
I'm looking for a good book on Ruby which has interesting problems with each chapter that help grasp the fundamental concepts in a good way - something similar to Thinking in Java or Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov.
Any suggestions?
Check the pragmatic programmer's Ruby Quiz if you want a book with a problem - solution approach. Most of the problems given there can also be found in the homonymous author's website http://www.rubyquiz.com/
Anyway I strongly recommend Beginning Ruby as the best book to approach to ruby programming.
Okay, from whatever I've come around, there are not many books in Ruby that fit my requirement (read the question) - if you are not working on a live project in Ruby, it is not so easy to find a resource that will help you learn Ruby in a concept-examples-exercise way, progressing from one concept to the other. A reason could be that Ruby is relatively new hence not so popular as Java / C++.
Nevertheless, here are a couple of books I can recommend: 1.) http://www.brpreiss.com/books/opus8/ 2.) Practical Ruby Projects as suggested by talonx
Just for concepts, I found Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas & co to be quite a decent one.