




I'm looking for a good book on Ruby which has interesting problems with each chapter that help grasp the fundamental concepts in a good way - something similar to Thinking in Java or Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov.

Any suggestions?

+3  A: 

Check the pragmatic programmer's Ruby Quiz if you want a book with a problem - solution approach. Most of the problems given there can also be found in the homonymous author's website

Anyway I strongly recommend Beginning Ruby as the best book to approach to ruby programming.

Pablo Fernandez

Ruby cookbook seems to be what you are looking for.

+1  A: 

Also, Practical Ruby Projects


Okay, from whatever I've come around, there are not many books in Ruby that fit my requirement (read the question) - if you are not working on a live project in Ruby, it is not so easy to find a resource that will help you learn Ruby in a concept-examples-exercise way, progressing from one concept to the other. A reason could be that Ruby is relatively new hence not so popular as Java / C++.

Nevertheless, here are a couple of books I can recommend: 1.) 2.) Practical Ruby Projects as suggested by talonx

Just for concepts, I found Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas & co to be quite a decent one.

Vaibhav Gumashta