I am a coldfusion programmer, and yes I know there are a lot of great coldfusion frameworks out there.
However because of the way the company I work for, code is styled and structured, I want to create a stepping stone framework, that gradually over time moves them to some current coding styles and standards..
But to get there, and our need for customizable design with consistent business logic and rules..
I need to slowly move them into a seperate of display and logic...
I have zero interest in any flame wars, of what framework to use etc etc...
What I am, are interested, in what are the most important features in creating your own web framework?
Here are some of my issues I hope to resolve:
A Debugger/Server Monitor that works on dev and production, even thought we are using Coldfusion 8 Standard, on dev we can use the cf server monitor, but on production we can not. So I am looking to include some free or open source debugger/server monitor...
I want to include a good cross-script protection, so that I can move us away from cfqueryparam, and allow us to use cachedwithin, since our version does not support cfqueryparam and caching in the query.
Being able to switch styles, for pages, and/or change layout of content...I have done some work with Wordpress, and love it's theme framework, but hate it's performance/load time.
See I know that major redoing of a corporate site takes a long time, and prolly induces more bugs than then we want..
Which is why i want to create a framework, that in small steps allows us to keep current logic/functionality, but allows seperation of display and logic.
- Figuring out my folder/url structure that makes seo sense, and is human-readable, I have worked with Able Commerce in the past, and have hated it's url structure.
Sorry for the long-winded question, and I am not expecting you to do my work :) But some logical suggestions, pointers to good articles on creating frameworks...I have googled....
Thank You.