




Hi, After clicking on an image, the user is redirected to a new page like:


with the code:

<s:link title="#{messages['palermo.userlist.view']}" view="/portal/custom/palermo/administration/viewPalermoUser.xhtml"
                        <f:param name="accountId" value="#{account.id}"/>
                        <img src="/static/portal/customer/palermo/find.png" style="border:none"/>

There is a backing bean where i take the account id and print the account information for that user (when the page is first rendered all it's ok).

BUT have a rich tab panel and a search button. Whenever i press one of this, the accountId value is NULL, although in the url it is the OK, so it has a real value.

I do not understand why the accountId's value is lost if a postback occurs?

I take the accountId like:

private Long accountId;

Can anyone give me a clue?

UPDATE: Finally it works. Use page param like Petar suggested. Had problems until i realized that:

A seam page param is not available in @Create method of the backing bean. Workaround: create a page action to use this param. (must be usefull for others)




After clicking on an image, the user is redirected to a new page - I suppose it is called /viewPalermoUser.xhtml

First of all, a simple request parameter does not survive a postback.

To solve your problem, you can create a page parameter

<page view-id="/viewPalermoUser.xhtml">
    <param name="courseId" value="#{courseHome.courseId}"/>

So when Seam notices

<param name="courseId" value="#{courseHome.courseId}"/>

It creates a page parameter and because of value attribute (not required), it is assigned to courseHome.courseId property. Page parameter survives JSF postback.

If you want accountId survive a postback in s:link (or s:button), you have to create a page parameter in the view-id that matchs s:link view="/portal/custom/palermo/administration/viewPalermoUser.xhtml" attribute

So we need

<page view-id="/portal/custom/palermo/administration/viewPalermoUser.xhtml">
    <param name="courseId"/>

When using page parameter, you do not have to worry about f:param. s:link takes care of it. So your accoutId page parameter is automatically appended to the link.

<s:link title="#{messages['palermo.userlist.view']}" view="/portal/custom/palermo/administration/viewPalermoUser.xhtml"/>


Arthur Ronald F D Garcia
Thanks for clearly explanations. Sorry for taking Petar's answer as the correct response, only because it was earlier posted than yours. Regards, Cristian.
Cristian Boariu

Hi Cristian,

As far as I know, @RequestParameter works only on an initial request. To solve the problem, you can use a Seam page parameter. Put in your page.xml descriptor the following tag: <param name="accountId" value="#{backingBean.accountId}"/> You don't need the @RequestParameter annotation.

Petar Minchev