I would like to check the existence of a ResourceBundle without actually loading it.
Typically, I'm using Guice, and at initialization time, I want to check the existence, while at execution time, I want to load it. If the bundle doesn't exist, I want an early report of the inexistence of the RB.
If it was possible to get the ResourceBundle.Control instance used for a specific ResourceBundle, I would have no problem getting the basic information to build the actual resource name (using toBundleName() and toResourceName()), but it is not the case at that level.
Ok, I found the way to do it. I'll create a ResourceBundle.Control that is extensible (using a custome addFormat(String, Class)) to store all the bundle formats, then use another method of my own to check all possible file names for a specific locale (using Class.getResource as indicated here below).
Coding speaking:
class MyControl extends ResourceBundle.Control {
private Map<String,Class<? extends ResourceBundle>> formats = new LinkedHashMap();
public void addFormat(String format,Class<? extends ResourceBundle> rbType) {
formats.put(format, rbType);
public boolean resourceBundleExists(ClassLoader loader, String baseName, Locale locale) {
for (String format: formats.keySet()) {
// for (loop on locale hierarchy) {
if (loader.getResource(toResourceName(toBundleName(baseName, locale), format))) {
return true;
// }
return false;