Well, you would first expect to receive the usage statistics somehow. So are you going to have your app connect to a database? Are you going to have another app that process the usage statistics? In short, I would create a function like this
void LogUsage(this object id or handle name/caption text etc)
and let that function handle all the processing of handling statistical usage. Of course you will need to do /some/ kind of work such as add this function to onClicks, edits changes etc, but that should be fairly simple. Especially if your LogUsage function just takes something unique (like the name) and uses that for the statistics.
The LogUsage function can also then manage connecting remotely and clearing any cache it may have stored since its last transmit.
Simply stated, if you created a LogUsage function that accepts the object, and you always grab the name. You could just easily copy/paste this line throughout your program
I also noticed you are looking for suggestions: I would do what I said above; a simple LogUsage function that accepts a param such as the object, and grab the name, eg - btnLogin, and then processes that name into some kind of file. You would obviously first load this file into some kind of map or array, check to see if it exists first. If not it adds it to the list with 1 click (or usage). If it exists, it increments its usage point. You will obviously not want to call LogUsage on the OnChange method in a textbox etc, but probably all onFocus, Clicks, or whatever you are really wanting to keep track of.
In the end, you might end up with something like btnLogin (5) that is sent to you, indicating that the user clicked on btnLogin 5 times.
Handling all this received data is another endeavor, which is why I would definitely have it sent to a database rather than receiving, say an email or a server directory full of files of usage statistics. Either way, you will need something to process it and turn it into graphs or sortable usage statistics etc..