If I have an array
private var temp:Array = [item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7...etc];
and two variables for items in the array:
private var firstPosition;
private var secondPosition;
Is there a way to remove BOTH items at once?
Say, if firstPosition = item4, and secondPosition = item7...then firstPosition = temp[3] and secondPosition = temp[6]
But if I write:
temp.splice(firstPosition, 1);
Then secondPosition is them temp[5] instead of temp[6]...since one has been removed from the array.
I have been writing:
I don't think this is right...especially if secondPosition is at the beginning of the the "temp" array (i.e. temp[0]).
Is there a way to remove two items at once from an array, if they are not side-by-side??