




I'm actually using the Swing Application Framework on a desktop application and make good use of the session state persistence and resource manager (great for globalization)

Now I have been testing the @Action annotation feature, and really I don't see any advantage over NOT using it. The official doc lists mainly these advantages:

you can conveniently put all the relevant visual cues and the event-processing logic for a component in one place.

Yes this place storing the visual cues is the resource bundle. (can be used with Resource Manager) Yes the event-processing logic in one place is within a common method. but no need to annotate a method in order to make it common to several events.

Another convenient benefit of using Action interfaces is that you can reuse the same action across multiple UI components. GUIs often provide multiple ways to accomplish a task

Yes, obviously event-processing can be common to different events, but again using the @Action annotation isn't required to call a common method from different action listeners methods.

I don't see much of an advantage writing this :

 // NOI18N

 @Action public void open() {
     // processing logic 

instead of:

 java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
             public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
             } });

 private void openButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
     // processing logic 

To mention that using the latter, I keep my method private, which is neater, and I also keep control over specific components getting added the listener (as each of them will have their own resources, instead of sharing the same visual cue!)

Anyone found an real interest in using @Action annotations ?


Just to discuss your last two code snips.

You should never actually type either of those lines of code. This kind of code tends to be very redundant if you don't figure out how to make it data driven.

In order to make it data driven, you extract the changeable pieces. For your first example:

openButton.setAction(actionMap.get("open")); // NOI18N

@Action public void open() { // processing logic }

The changable pieces are openButton and the string "open". The code to write this generically is pretty easy to see--the data could simply be whatever data is required to create a button. Binding the action to the button is done through a string which is easily stored in your data along with the data required to create the button itself.

In the second, in order to bind the button to a particular event with data, you are required to use reflection in your binding code.

they just abstracted out the reflection piece (which is extremely helpful--reflection is always a giant gaping hole in your compile-time type safety).

Bill K
I don't think this apply in the given code.Another component can be set the same action. in which case would you make it data driven ?> openFromMenu.setAction(actionMap.get("open");
Wouldn't any number of triggers be able to use the "open" action? But as I said, it's not so much about code sharing as about making it data driven. You can do code sharing either way (although anonymous inner classes have to go--they are death for code sharing. Just instantiate a real class!)
Bill K
I'm not sure to understand... How would you data drive this code, taking in consideration the fact that a same annotated action (here method named "open") should be accessible to several components (which retrieve actions using from the actionMap using its unique key). ?

When I use NetBeans every method marked with @Action will be automatically available in the NetBeans GUI for setting actions on components.

I get that. But why would you use annotations in order to set actions to components in the netbeans editor instead of (still using NetBeans editor) adding event listener to components ? what's the advantage?
Well aren't they there so that some things can be done automatically for you and save you some boiler plate code? I have not used it for a while now so I cannot really remember what the framework+netbeans did for you
I don't see what code is generated automatically using annotation that cannot be also generated automatically by NetBeans editor.Really I don't see any advantage in the use of action annotations.