I am a guy living in United States currently working in health care field who has a great passion in web development.
I don't have any diploma in computer science, web development or any related courses in programming. But I teach myself to study website development you know like investing in books and a lot of time in practicing to code, etc.
I even built a social networking website by myself in asp.net and sql which has chatrooms, friendship, music, users can create their own playlist, users can upload photos and share w/ friends, open a chatbox if friend is online in c# and visual basic.
I mean I coded these features from scratch and not just plugins you know from other sites.
I created a mashup of google map, weather.com and MSN search.
In short, I think I can perform the job of a web developer. But when I try to apply for a position in web development for example a hiring in asp.net developer, I got denied immediately because of my lack in professional experience in web dev.
My question is what do you think I can do to gain these experiences these employers are asking if they don't give me a chance to prove what I know or am I just wasting my time here and needs to go to a programming school which I can't afford right now.