



How do I create a custom event class similar to ActionScript? What I mean by that is a class that I can use to fire off my own events, send the necessary data.

I don't wanna use third-party libraries like YUI or jQuery to do it. My goal is to be able to send a event that looks like this.

document.addEventListener("customEvent", eventHandler, false);

function eventHandler(e){

document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("customEvent", para1, para2));

Please no third-party library solutions.


It's not so hard actually - there isn't so many event definitions, only three versions. The first one is the corect one (addEventListener), then there's the IE way (attachEvent) and then there's the compatibility way for older browser (element.onevent = function)

So a complete event handling solution would look something like this:

setEvent = function(element, eventName, handler){
  if('addEventListener' in element){
  }else if('attachEvent' in elm){
    // compatibility
    elm['on'+eventName] = handler;

and to clear events:

clearEvent = function(element, eventName, handler){
  if('removeEventListener' in element){
  }else if('detachEvent' in elm){
    // compatibility
    elm['on'+eventName] = null;

and an example:

setEvent(document, "click", function(){alert('hello world!');});
clearEvent(document, "click", function(){alert('hello world!');});

This is not really a complete example though since the compatibility handler always overwrites the previous events (it's not appending actions, it's overwriting) so you probably would like to check if a handler is already set and then save it into some temporary variable and fire it inside the event handler function.

That does not help, I need to have a Custom Event. What that means is just like there is a MouseEvent there can be a CustomEvent. What you are doing there is good but not the solution I was looking for. I need to be able to dispatch a event and send some data with the event.For example in a game, I want to dispatch a event for score to get updated I would send the score that is needed to be added with the event.
Josua Pedersen
+2  A: 

A method that worked for me was to call document.createEvent(), init it and dispatch it with window.dispatchEvent().

  var event = document.createEvent("Event");
  event.initEvent("customEvent", true, true);
  event.customData = getYourCustomData();