



I have an ASP.NET application that I need to show a video feed from a security camera. The video feed has a content type of 'multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--myboundary' with the image data between the boundaries. I need assistance with passing that stream of data through to my page so that the client side plugin I have can consume the stream just as it would if I browsed to the camera's web interface directly. The following code does not work:

//Get response data
byte[] data = HtmlParser.GetByteArrayFromStream(response.GetResponseStream());
if (data != null)
 HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

What is the encoding of the image data? Is it Base64?

Basically you will have to parse out the image data from the response, Base64 decode it into bytes, and then send the image to the client.


Well, if you want your client to see the mjpeg stream, you need to send the whole http response. HTTP client like browser or media player like VLC need a mjpeg stream that looks like :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--myboundary

Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-length: 12345

[image 1 encoded jpeg data]

Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-length: 45678

[image 2 encoded jpeg data]


By the way, why not redirect your client directly to the mjpeg stream ?

You can use http://ipcam/mjpg/video.mjpg AXIS IP cameras for example.

If you just need the image through HTTP, you have to set the correct header and the MIME content-type image/jpeg. To decode the image, you have to get the byte data and you will get jpeg encoding. Then you will have to decode jpeg to get an image in a specific format (something like yuv420p I think). I've check on my ip camera, and its stream is not base64 encoded I think.

Precise your needs, I will try to help more.



Well, I suppose you do something like :

client    : connect to proxy, 
            while not the end

yourproxy : wait connection
            connect to camera,
            while not the end
                recv buffer
                copy buffer
                send buffer to client

That to say that you must send the correct header to your client. To be sure use a tool like wireshark to spy on the packet and be sure that after your client has issued a HTTP GET you send to him the correct MJPEG stream (like the one I describe at the beginning of my post ...)


that is exactly what I want to do. I cannot redirect the user directly to the mjpeg stream as my application is functioning as a reverse proxy. So I need to receive the stream from the camera then send it out as a response to a URL in my application.So the HTTP client calls server parses the request and calls camera1 at then need to stream the response back to the client.So this is where I've been having difficulty figuring out how to stream the mjpg back to the client unmodified.
Be more precise about your difficulties. Looking at your code snippet, it seems that you read only part of the response. With HTTP/MJPEG you have to continuously read TCP packets and resend them, hence the pseudo code in my answer. I suppose the GetByteArrayFromStream call partially read the data, so you send back to your client only partial data. You have to read on the TCP channel until it closes ! Check what you receive / what you send with wireshark, you will have ground truth. If I misunderstand your problem, precise it, please ...
Yes, I am pretty sure we will need to go a little deeper and use something less abstracted such as `TcpClient`. I am currently trying to do the same thing as!
Josh Stodola

Good explaination about how mjpeg stream looks like. I would like to add a tip that; there are always 2 new line character before the actual data. If you make it one line, it doesnt work.

        string header =
            "--myboundary\r\n" +
            "Content-Type:image/jpeg\r\n" +
            "Content-Length:" + length.ToString() + "\r\n\r\n";