
Creating an MJPEG video stream in c#

I have images being sent to my database from a remote video source at about 5 frames per second as JPEG images. I am trying to figure out how to get those images into a video format so I can stream a live video feed to Silverlight. It seems to make sense to create a MJPEG stream but I'm having a few problems. Firstly I was trying to str...

Mjpeg VLC and HTTP Streaming

Hello guys, I'm generating a MJpeg Stream and trying to stream it to VLC and play it there. The code: public void SendMultiPartData(String contentType, Func<byte[]> getData) { MemoryStream mem = null; response.StatusCode = 200; for ( byte[] buffer = getData(); buffer != null && buffer.Length > 0; buf...

What is the specifications for Motion JPEG?

I've been googling like mad and can't find any file format specifications for mjpeg. What should the header look like? Do i just append a series of jpegs after the header? I know it's the usually in the .avi container, does that have a standardized format for codecs that might be in it? The goal is to make it in actionscript 3, but...

Which frame does ffmpeg get when reducing the frame rate

I have some video that I would like to convert to images of frames every 2 sec. E.g. If the video is 7 seconds long at 15 fps I would like to get frames 1, 31, 61, 91. The command: ffmpeg -i foo.mp4 -r 0.5 -f image2 -vcodec mjpeg foo%d.jpg appears to do what I want, but which frame does it get? 1, 31, 61, 91 or 30, 60, 90 or 13, ...

creating my own MJPEG stream

Hello everyone. I'm trying to create an MJPEG stream, I have a series of jpegs that I want to put together into a stream so that a user can just hit a URL and get an mjpeg stream. I've been trying for the last few days to get this to work, and it may just not be possible. I've brought up ethereal and listened to the packets coming from...

python GTK container for mjpeg stream

I have an mjpeg stream from a web-cam and would like to display it in an application written in python using pygtk. The stream is a string of bytes from the driver. What widget would be best for displaying this and would I need to do some intermediate conversion before putting it in the widget? Should I write my own widget to do this? ...

Display jpegs coming from http post

Hello. I'm sending jpegs to a web server via Http POST. I can access the bytes of each jpeg file that reaches the web server. Now I want do display these jpeg as they reach the web server, as a mjpeg video. How can I do it? Please help! Thanks ...

Creating an MJPEG Viewer Iphone

Hey all, I'm trying to make a MJPEG viewer in Objective C but I'm having a bunch of issues with it. First off, I'm using AsyncSocket(http://code.google.com/p/cocoaasyncsocket/) which lets me connect to the host. Here's what I got so far NSLog(@"Ready"); asyncSocket = [[AsyncSocket alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; //http://kamera5.vfp....

HttpWebResponse with MJPEG and multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--myboundary response content type from security camera not working

I have an ASP.NET application that I need to show a video feed from a security camera. The video feed has a content type of 'multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--myboundary' with the image data between the boundaries. I need assistance with passing that stream of data through to my page so that the client side plugin I have can consum...

Capturing real time images from a network camera

Hi What is the best way to capture streamed MJPEG from a network IP camera? I'd like to get frames and process them, using c++ (or python extended with c++). Is OpenCV my best option? Thanks Simon ...

How to modify the properties of a DirectShow Filter Output Pin on the fly?

I have a DirectShow source filter for receiving a Network stream containing RFC2435 data (MJPEG over RTP). The properties of the source filter's output pin need to be set-up prior to receiving the stream which is the only source of the image's dimension data. The dimensions for the output pin are currently set to some default values (...

Drawing performance with CGImageCreateWithJPEGDataProvider?

I've actually curious about this for the iPhone. I am getting an MJPEG stream from a server and trying to render it natively on the iphone (without the use of safari class). Reasons for this is because the safari class while CAN render MJPEG natively, does not do so at the framerate I would like. So I tried drawing it natively, but I've...

Creating a dynamic (video) Overlay on Google Maps on Android 2.1

I'm trying to create a map overlay for displaying a video stream (MJPEG) on top of a Mapview. Currently I've a standalone activity that creates a data thread for fetching MJPEG video frames. I'm using a handler to send a frame (as a Bitmap) from the data thread to the main activity which then updates the UI. I'm not sure how to impl...

Silverlight MJPEG viewer

I would like to consume a Motion Jpeg stream from an IP camera and ideally view it using the media element. I was hoping to find some ready made samples. ...

"Streaming" MJPG using python.

I have a webcam that I want to do some image processing on using Python. It's coming through as a Motion-JPEG. I want to try to process the stuff "live," but really what I want to do is this: Open the URL, start data streaming to some buffer... Read x bytes (where x is image size) to an image Process that image Display in result panel...

What are the X-StartTime and X-TimeStamp HTTP Header values?

I am writing an HTTP proxy to serve up an M-JPEG stream from an IP camera on the LAN. I noticed that it returns the HTTP header X-StartTime: 1276943417197. With each JPEG frame, it also includes a header like X-TimeStamp: 346024130. I was unable to find anything about these headers online, does anybody know what they are? ...

Transcoding MJPEG to FLV or MP4

I want to transcode MJPEG stream that comes from IP camera (http://xx.yy.zz.tt:8080/video.cgi) to FLV or MP4 stream under Linux OS so that users can play the file using a web based Flash player such as Flowplayer. I discovered VLC for that purpose but I cannot figure out the exact command line string. I also need HTTP authentication fe...

Android converting a JPEG from a Nexus one to a MJPEG stream

Hi, I want to send video from the phone (Nexus one) to other devices on the network. I know Android supports video encoders/decoders. But for now the other devices can only accept Base64 encoded JPEG images. Has anyone done something like this or can provide pointers to if and how it can be done ? Thanks. ...

MJPEG internet streaming - accurate fps

Hello, I want to write MJPEG picture internet stream viewer. I think getting jpeg images using sockets it's not very hard problem. But i want to know how to make accurate streaming. while (1) { get_image() show_image() sleep (SOME_TIME) // how to make it accurate? } Any suggestions would be great. ...

How To implement MJPEG-viewing flowplayer plugin?

This is a question about implementing a Flash plugin for FlowPlayer, allowing viewing of an MJPEG stream within the content area of the video widget. I'm tasked with designing and implementing an MJPEG-viewing plugin for flowplayer. If you have the requisite knowledge to answer these four questions, I'll be extremely grateful for any he...