Excuse me if this is an obvious question,
How can you use SWFobject to automatically redirect to another URL - NOT add an a href but physically load another URL ?
I'm using SWFobject 2 at the moment .
-- the SWFobject code ...
swfobject.embedSWF("MYSITE.swf", "myAlternativeContent", "850", "700", "9.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes);
--- 2 tricks I've tried in the myAlternativeContent DIV ...
1 ...
<div id="myAlternativeContent">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=http://www.NOFLASHSITE.com">
2 ...
<div id="myAlternativeContent">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
--- both of these load the alternative (http://www.NOFLASHSITE.com) regardless ..
any help is apreciated - MW