There's a great tutorial on IBM's website which walked me through a simple search/results list using jQuery,PHP and Ajax.
I was able to make it work and it's really cool.
One problem. I want the results to be hyperlinks and I can't get any java script to run on the results.
Here is the script I have (includes what was in the tutorial plus the additional script necessary to ovverride the hyperlink, click behavior):
<script type='text/javascript'>
function ajax_search(){
var search_val=$("#search_term").val();
$.post("./find.php", {search_term : search_val}, function(data){
if (data.length>0){
function ClickInterceptor(e)
window.alert("Hellow World!");
return false;
If i put the following html under the <body>
<a href="test">this will work</a>
That will display the alert window.
However, if I change the results to hyperlinks (found in find.php, listing 7 from the tutorial):
$string .= "<a href=\"test\">".$row->name."</a> - ";
It does not work.
Any idea on how to fix this?