(using netbeans and java)
I have the following
1 text field named input 1 (named x5)
1 text field named input 2 (named plus10)
1 text field named input 3 (named plus5perc)
1 answer field (an uneditable text field)
1 button
When a number is placed into either input a calculation is done when the calculate button is pressed e.g. if i put in 2 in input 1 and click the button = input1 * 5 and the answer is displayed in the answer field when 2 is put into input 2 = (input 2 + 10) * 5 when 2 is put into input 3 = input 3 + 5%
instead of having 3 input fields i would like 1 drop down list and one input
so you choose from the drop down which you want and only have 1 input field.
i don't know how to do dropdowns etc and any help would be appreciated
anyone know how to on load hide the 3 inputs and then show the relivant input once it is selected from the combo box?