





(using netbeans and java)

I have the following
1 text field named input 1 (named x5)
1 text field named input 2 (named plus10)
1 text field named input 3 (named plus5perc)

1 answer field (an uneditable text field)

1 button

When a number is placed into either input a calculation is done when the calculate button is pressed e.g. if i put in 2 in input 1 and click the button = input1 * 5 and the answer is displayed in the answer field when 2 is put into input 2 = (input 2 + 10) * 5 when 2 is put into input 3 = input 3 + 5%

instead of having 3 input fields i would like 1 drop down list and one input

so you choose from the drop down which you want and only have 1 input field.

i don't know how to do dropdowns etc and any help would be appreciated


anyone know how to on load hide the 3 inputs and then show the relivant input once it is selected from the combo box?

+3  A: 

The drop down is called combo box in most UIs. The Java swing object is JComboBox

Here's the doc: http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/swing/JComboBox.html

And a tutorial: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/combobox.html

thanks.i've tried googling and looked at that and couldn't understand it
Tuffy G
Ok. Well the tutorial is about as clear as it gets. The basic idea with combo boxes is that you populate them with a data object (a list at its simplest), register a change listener to the combo box. The change listener is where all the "intelligence" goes. Whatever the user selected is passed to the event handler, you check that (with if-elseif or a switch) and do something in your application. Hope that helps
THANKS.ill give it a try
Tuffy G

Try this link - and let me know if its useful..


thanks.the sun links are the same as maffels.i'm going to look at the youtube videos.
Tuffy G
i've watched the tutorial on youtube and i'm confused.how do i hide the 3 input fields and then show only the one thats needed when its selected?
Tuffy G

Sorry about the confusion.

please ignore the other post.

answer from user: italy

two approaches:

(1) Use setVisible - When you create the fields invoke setVisible(false) on each. When a selection is made in the combo box invoke setVisible(true) on the relevant input field and setVisible(false) on the others.

(2) Use one input field - when a selection is made on the combo-box change its name

how do you set a field to setVisible false?what event would it be?
Tuffy G
+1  A: 

I gave this a try (hope that's what you want).

With all that links and tutorials already provided, you should have been able to do that (IMO).

That's what it looks like:


It does not do proper exception handling, does not round the results and is not really object oriented (just uses hardcoded indexes, be careful when changing).

Add the components (called txtInput, cmbChoose, btnDo and txtResult in my case.

Edit the model property of your JComboBox, using Combo Box Model Editor and set it to


This will generate the following source:

cmbChoose.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(
    new String[] { "x5", "plus10", "plus5perc" }));

Put the following into your JButtons ActionPerformed method.

try {
    float input = Float.valueOf(txtInput.getText());
    float output = 0;

    switch (cmbChoose.getSelectedIndex()) {
        case 0:
            output = input * 5; break;
        case 1:
            output = input + 10; break;
        case 2:
            output = input * 1.05f;

} catch (Exception e) {
Peter Lang
thanks.i've changed your code slightly.instead of float i'm using a double and i've implemented a decimal format to round the numbers.and i've changed the exception to show a jOtionPanethanks for your help
Tuffy G