




I was wondering if there is anything in emacs which will help me remember keyboard shortcuts?

For example, if I press C-x and then press some key (say TAB), emacs should all possible combinations of C-X and other keys to give an emacs command (and also show what the command does)?

+4  A: 


Not a complete answer but partial:

  • The Emacs user manual has a key index which lists all the key sequences (Emacs' preferred term for what you call keyboard shortcuts).
  • C-x C-h opens a buffer listing key sequences beginning C-x.
  • C-h k followed by a key sequence describes the key sequence.
  • C-h K followed by a key sequence takes you to the right page of the user manual.



High Performance Mark
+4  A: 

You can use C-h m to list and describe all active keybindings in current buffer (depending on your active major and minor modes).

So it does ! Thanks.
High Performance Mark
+6  A: 

There is a simpler way to do this than C-h m. You can see all the combinations you need by pressing C-h. Let me explain with an example. Say you want to run the command org-narrow-to-subtree, which in my case is bound to C-x n s I remember that I have to type C-x n but don't remember the next part. I can type C-x n C-h and emacs will show me the following:

Global Bindings Starting With C-x n:
key             binding
---             -------

C-x n d     narrow-to-defun
C-x n n     narrow-to-region
C-x n p     narrow-to-page
C-x n r     narrow-to-region
C-x n s     org-narrow-to-subtree
C-x n w     widen


So in your case, to see all possibilities after C-x, just type C-x C-h
