I am profiling my twisted server. It uses much more memory than I expected. Its memory usage grows over time.
ps -o pid,rss,vsz,sz,size,command
7697 70856 102176 25544 88320 twistd -y broadcast.tac
As you can see it costs 102176 KBs, namely, 99.78125 MBs. And I use guppy from a twisted manhole to watch the memory usage profile.
>>> hp.heap()
Partition of a set of 120537 objects. Total size = 10096636 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 61145 51 5309736 53 5309736 53 str
1 27139 23 1031596 10 6341332 63 tuple
2 2138 2 541328 5 6882660 68 dict (no owner)
3 7190 6 488920 5 7371580 73 types.CodeType
4 325 0 436264 4 7807844 77 dict of module
5 7272 6 407232 4 8215076 81 function
6 574 0 305776 3 8520852 84 dict of class
7 605 1 263432 3 8784284 87 type
8 602 0 237200 2 9021484 89 dict of type
9 303 0 157560 2 9179044 91 dict of zope.interface.interface.Method
<384 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>
Hum... It seems there is something wrong. Guppy shows that the total usage of memory is 10096636 bytes, namely 9859.996 KBs or 9.628 MBs.
That's a huge difference. What's wrong this strange result? What am I doing wrong?
I wrote a monitor script last night. It records the memory usage and number of on-line users. It is a radio server, so you can see there is radios and total listeners. Here is the figure I generated by matplotlib.
Something is strange. Sometimes the memory usage printed by ps is very low, like this
2010-01-15 00:46:05,139 INFO 4 4 17904 36732 9183 25944
2010-01-15 00:47:03,967 INFO 4 4 17916 36732 9183 25944
2010-01-15 00:48:04,373 INFO 4 4 17916 36732 9183 25944
2010-01-15 00:49:04,379 INFO 4 4 17916 36732 9183 25944
2010-01-15 00:50:02,989 INFO 4 4 3700 5256 1314 2260
What is the reason of the super low value of memory usage? And what's more, even there is no on-line radios, no listeners, the memory usage is still high.