



(Note: I originally posted this on before remembering that I never get a response over there. So, sorry for the cross-posting)

Hello, is there a way (built-in or otherwise) to add preprocessing functions for particular cck node types? I am looking to do some preprocessing of a field within my cck node type. Currently I can either use theme_preprocess_node and then do a switch on the $node->type or use a theming function for a particular field name (and still do a switch to make sure the current field usage is within the node type i'm looking for). What I am suggesting is to have a function like this...

theme_preprocess_mynodetype(&$vars) {
    // Now I can preprocess a field without testing whether the field is within the target content type

...but I can't figure out if I can suggest preprocess functions the same way I can suggest template files

Thanks! Rob


I think that you're looking for this post. There's no magic per-node preprocess, only per theme/template engine, but you do have access to the node type in the $vars parameter so you can switch on it there.

Hope that helps!

Chuck Vose
Hey thanks, I saw that one but that function uses the node preprocessor with a switch, which i was trying to avoid (kinda) to stop that preprocessor from growing to large.I guess I could use theme_preprocessor_node with a switch that actually calls theme_preprocessor_cat(), theme_preprocessor_dog(), etc. But maybe there is no automatic way or no way to suggest preprocess functions (the way tpl files are suggested)?
Thanks for looking that up. In this function, CCK actually sets up the suggestions for tpl files but not the preprocess functions (from what I can tell), but it has lead me to dig more through the content.module. Will post what I find.

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