



I have tried to profile several .NET executables in dependency walker and always get something like this:

GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], "FlsAlloc") called from "MSCOREE.DLL" at address 0x79006079 and returned 0xFFBADD11.

I tried making a new windows forms project VS2005 and did nothing but build it. Dependency walker still gives that same error. Does this mean that it is no longer possible to profile .Net applications, or am I missing something?

+2  A: 

Dependency walker can only profile unmanaged programs.

Hans Passant
Okay I can accept that :), any idea on a better way to track issues with managed dlls?
Erm, a debugger?
Hans Passant
I was referring to depedency problems, such as modules not being loaded and dlls not being found.
The managed equivalent is Fuslogvw.exe
Hans Passant