
How do I determine the dependencies of a .NET application?

Does Dependency Walker work with managed apps? I've downloaded the latest and tried profiling the app, but it just exits without much of an explanation. If it doesn't work with .NET, then is there some other tool that would help me debug a run-time DLL loading issue? ...

What is the equivalent of Linux's ldd on windows?

What is the equivalent of Linux's ldd on windows? ...

Dependency walker on cygwin app gives conflicting information?

I am using the dependency walker to figure out why my link of a cygwin ported application is not correct. It states that cgywin1.dll is missing the following symbols: AddAtomA FindAtomA GetAtomNameA GetModuleHandleA Looking around, I see that these are supposed to come from -lkernel32 on the link line, which I have added at the end...

Dependency Walker on .NET applications: FlsAlloc

I have tried to profile several .NET executables in dependency walker and always get something like this: GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], "FlsAlloc") called from "MSCOREE.DLL" at address 0x79006079 and returned 0xFFBADD11. I tried making a new windows forms project VS2005 and did nothing but build it. Dependency walker still...

Dependency Walker reports IESHIMS.DLL and WER.DLL missing?

On a Windows XP Professional SP3 with Internet Explorer 8 box, when I run Dependency Walker on an executable of mine it reports that: IESHIMS.DLL and WER.DLL can't be found. Do I need these DLL's? Where can I get them? I believe they are supposed to located in C:\Windows\System32\Wer.dll and C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Iesh...

Dependency Walker Not Showing All the Depended Dll

I have a fortran dll, and I want to know the assemblies that it depends on for redistribution purpose. One thing I found out is that the dependency walker doesn't show all of the dependencies, i.e, there are some dlls that my assembly is dependent on, but dependency walker doesn't show it out. An example would be a dll that makes use...

C# DLL Missing Public Functions

I am attempting to write a DLL using the C# .NET Framework 2.0. Everything compiles okay, but when I try to access the DLL from my application, it fails when attempting to get the procedure address. So, I oped the DLL in Dependency Walker, and all of my public functions are missing! My DLL, so far, is fairly straightforward: namespac...