




I'm trying to create a menu tree in drupal like this:

- term 1
    node 1
    node 2
  - sub-term 1
        node 3
        node 4
  + sub-term 2
  - sub-term 3
        node 5
      - sub-sub-term 1
             node 6
+ term 2

(Sub-term 2 and term 2 are toggled closed.)

Some requirements:

  • Output this using something like JQuery Menu to get an interactive tree
  • Filter the nodes by cck type
  • Filter the nodes by cck field
  • Only have terms with nodes or other active terms in them show up
  • Mark the current node as such, and automatically open the tree to that point

Do I have to write this myself, or are there a combination of modules that can do it? I've got Advanced Taxonomy Blocks, which is pretty close, but it doesn't list the nodes.


Just make your own custom menu and use the DHTML Menu module to make it expand/contract on click.

Mike Crittenden
+2  A: 

Sounds like http://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_menu and the DHTML Menu module linked above would get you pretty close. You'll need a view for your content to do the filtering.


sprugman, did you get this working? If so, do you have a demo? I'm looking to do the same thing.

No, the project got put on hold, so I haven't completed it yet. In the end, I was heading down the "create my own html" route, and then pushing it through JQuery Menu for the interactivity. (It's been a while, but IIRC, I liked JQuery Menu better than DHTML Menu because it pre-loads all the choices, rather than doing an ajax query on each one.)

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