I have 1500 files that are named with an incorrectly dateformat. I would like to rename them. Are there a tool that can do that? Otherwise a piece of php code.
File names are: ddmmyyyy.xls (e.g. 15012010 for 15.th Jan 2010)
and I would like: yyyymmdd.xls (e.g. 20100115.xls)
Any clue on how this can be done for 1500 files in one go?
BR. Anders
UPDATE: Also tried the MP3TAG, that is suggested in one of the answers. It is a free tool and also did the job. It took a while to figure out how to use it. If you wanne try do this:
- add xls (or other format) to the list of editable files in configuration
- choose folder to load files AND mark files in the pane you want to edit
- I clicked the "Convert - Quick" button. It is also possible to save schemaes for future use but I could not figure out how.
- after clicking "convert - quick" choose "using regex" (only regex option)
And then you just add the info to process the renaming. In my case:
- field: _FILENAME
- from: ([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{4})
- to: $3-$2-$1
Now all files named 15012010.xls (ddmmyyyy.xls) will be named 2010-01-15.xls