I need to read some very huge text files (100+ Mb), process every lines with regex and store the data into a structure. My structure inherits from defaultdict, it has a read(self) method that read self.file_name file.
Look at this very simple (but not real) example, I'm not using regex, but I'm splitting lines:
import multiprocessing
from collections import defaultdict
def SingleContainer():
return list()
class Container(defaultdict):
this class store odd line in self["odd"] and even line in self["even"].
It is stupid, but it's only an example. In the real case the class
has additional methods that do computation on readen data.
def __init__(self,file_name):
if type(file_name) != str:
raise AttributeError, "%s is not a string" % file_name
self.file_name = file_name
self.readen_lines = 0
def read(self):
f = open(self.file_name)
print "start reading file %s" % self.file_name
for line in f:
self.readen_lines += 1
values = line.split()
key = {0: "even", 1: "odd"}[self.readen_lines %2]
print "readen %d lines from file %s" % (self.readen_lines, self.file_name)
def do(file_name):
container = Container(file_name)
return container.items()
if __name__ == "__main__":
file_names = ["r1_200909.log", "r1_200910.log"]
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(len(file_names))
result = pool.map(do,file_names)
print "Finish"
At the end I need to join every results in a single Container. It is important that the order of the lines is preserved. My approach is too slow when returning values. Better solution? I'm using python 2.6 on Linux