I've been fussing with this for the better part of the night, so maybe one of you can give me a hand.
I have found GDI+ DrawImage
in C# to be far too slow for what I'm trying to render, and from the looks of forums, it's the same for other people as well.
I decided I would try using AlphaBlend
or BitBlt
from the Win32 API to get better performance. Anyway, I've gotten my images to display just fine except for one small detail—no matter what image format I use, I can't get the white background to disappear from my (transparent) graphics.
I've tried BMP and PNG formats so far, and verified that they get loaded as 32bppargb images in C#.
Here's the call I'm making:
// Draw the tile to the screen.
Win32GraphicsInterop.AlphaBlend(graphicsCanvas, destination.X, destination.Y, this.TileSize, this.TileSize,
this.imageGraphicsPointer, tile.UpperLeftCorner.X, tile.UpperLeftCorner.Y,
this.TileSize, this.TileSize,
new Win32GraphicsInterop.BLENDFUNCTION(Win32GraphicsInterop.AC_SRC_OVER, 0,
Convert.ToByte(opacity * 255),
For the record, AC_SRC_OVER
is 0x00
is 0x01
which is consistent with what MSDN says they ought to be.
Do any of you guys have a good solution to this problem or know a better (but still fast) way I can do this?