I have a dll for a c++ class (SLABHIDDevice.dll). I am trying to use the functions of this dll in a C#.net application. The dll contains several methods which I can use easily with statements such as this...
(I appolagize if i get some of the terminology wrong here I am new to using dlls)
public static extern byte GetHidString
(Int32 deviceIndex, Int32 vid, Int32 pid,
Byte hidStringType, String deviceString,
Int32 deviceStringLength);
The documentation for SLABHIDDevice.dll says that it also contains a class object, CHIDDevice. and that object has a whole list of member functions such as Open();
If I try to import Open() using the same syntax as above, I get an error saying that it can not find an entry point for the Open() function. Is this because Open() is a member of CHIDDevice?
This is the makeup of the dll from DUMPBIN... The bottom three functions are the only ones I am able to get to work? Does anyone know what syntax I need to use to get the other ones? What do the question marks mean that precede the function names?
Dump of file SLABHIDDEVICE.dll
File Type: DLL
Section contains the following exports for SLABHIDDevice.dll
00000000 characteristics
47E13E0F time date stamp Wed Mar 19 12:23:43 2008
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
26 number of functions
26 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
4 0 00001000 ??0CHIDDevice@@QAE@ABV0@@Z
5 1 00001330 ??0CHIDDevice@@QAE@XZ
6 2 00001430 ??1CHIDDevice@@UAE@XZ
7 3 00001080 ??4CHIDDevice@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z
8 4 00020044 ??_7CHIDDevice@@6B@
9 5 00001460 ?Close@CHIDDevice@@QAEEXZ
10 6 00001C70 ?FlushBuffers@CHIDDevice@@QAEHXZ
11 7 00001CA0 ?GetFeatureReportBufferLength@CHIDDevice@@QAEGXZ
12 8 00001850 ?GetFeatureReport_Control@CHIDDevice@@QAEEPAEK@Z
13 9 00001C80 ?GetInputReportBufferLength@CHIDDevice@@QAEGXZ
14 A 00001BE0 ?GetInputReport_Control@CHIDDevice@@QAEEPAEK@Z
15 B 00001A20 ?GetInputReport_Interrupt@CHIDDevice@@QAEEPAEKGPAK@Z
16 C 00001CB0 ?GetMaxReportRequest@CHIDDevice@@QAEKXZ
17 D 00001C90 ?GetOutputReportBufferLength@CHIDDevice@@QAEGXZ
18 E 00001730 ?GetString@CHIDDevice@@QAEEEPADK@Z
19 F 00001CC0 ?GetTimeouts@CHIDDevice@@QAEXPAI0@Z
20 10 00001700 ?IsOpened@CHIDDevice@@QAEHXZ
21 11 000014A0 ?Open@CHIDDevice@@QAEEKGGG@Z
22 12 00001360 ?ResetDeviceData@CHIDDevice@@AAEXXZ
23 13 00001810 ?SetFeatureReport_Control@CHIDDevice@@QAEEPAEK@Z
24 14 00001B80 ?SetOutputReport_Control@CHIDDevice@@QAEEPAEK@Z
25 15 000018C0 ?SetOutputReport_Interrupt@CHIDDevice@@QAEEPAEK@Z
26 16 00001CE0 ?SetTimeouts@CHIDDevice@@QAEXII@Z
3 17 00001320 GetHidGuid
2 18 00001230 GetHidString
1 19 00001190 GetNumHidDevices
6000 .data
7000 .rdata
5000 .reloc
4000 .rsrc
1C000 .text