I'm using the jQuery jEditable plug-in to edit some part of a website.
As the text use Textile format, I use the LoadURL
option to bring in the unformatted data.
The problem arise when the user edits some text, and then go back to re-edit it, the ajax call brings back the cached result.
I've tried to add a random parameter, but the same random number is added, so it is useless.
$(".edit").livequery(function(){$(this).editable("<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/savetext.aspx") %>", {
loadurl : '<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/gettext.aspx") %>?Rnd=' + Math.random().toString(),
type : 'textarea',
cancel : 'Cancel',
submit : 'Save',
indicator : 'Saving...',
rows : 4,
tooltip : 'click to edit'
Is there a way to tell jEditable to add a random parameter in each call?