



I have a html/javascript table/grid that I need to import data from a file, this is not possible without serverside. So I decides to have a FileEcho server that takes a file upload from the table/grid, the problem is I don't want to refresh the page afterwards, it's a multipart request, not an ajax request. Is it possible to up the file ajax style? how can this be done? any solution to my problem?

+1  A: 

A popular way is to do the file upload in an iframe (you can set the <form>'s target attribute to the name attribute of your iframe)

You can attach an onload event on the iframe to find out when the data has been echoed from the server. From there, you can grab the contentDocument attribute from the iframe object in javascript (from there you could look at the innerHTML content of the contentDocument.body to see the data).

Just note that in IE, you have to use document.frames['frame_name'].document instead of iframeObject.contentDocument

See these articles for more info:
